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Raising Kids In New York City

Raising a Child in New York City

Raising a Child in New York City

Building a family and raising a kid in NYC certainly can be hectic. Many feel it’s a terrible idea, citing the lack of space and scarcity of greenery. However, many New Yorkers wouldn’t have it any other way. Living in the city has many benefits lost by moving to the ‘burbs.’ If you still have doubts about raising children in NYC, read on to see why we think it’s one of the best places.

It has some of the best museums in the world.

New York has many museums, some of which are some of the finest in the world. By their mid-teens, most city kids will be very familiar with the exhibits and layouts of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the American Museum of Natural History, and the Morgan Library and Museum, to name a few. The cultural value of this to a growing child is hard to imagine.

Beautiful city parks that double as backyards

It may be a concrete jungle, but New York is far from short on green spaces. Suburban kids might have backyards, but city kids have dozens of scenic parks. Each one is different in its way, and more often than not, you’ll find something going on there most days of the week.

Less commute time means more time with your kids.

Living in metropolitan New York means less commute between work, home, and school. Many suburban families usually only see their kids on weekends because of the long commute. Living in the city means you never have to get far, even better if the rest of the extended family also lives there.

There’s more diversity.

Approximately 37% of NYC’s population is foreign-born. Adding to that, you’ve got the countless millions descended from earlier immigrants. Not to be overlooked either is the varied number of cuisines throughout the city. Such a melting pot creates incredible diversity, making kids grow up more worldly and well-rounded.

It has some of the best doctors and medical facilities in the country

If your child gets sick in NYC, it’s a prescription for some of the best medical care in the country. The city has three hospitals ranked among the top 20 in the country. That’s one more than any other city. Knowing they are there is comforting even if you never have to call on those services.

It’s a 24/7 city, even for kids.

Being a parent is a 24/7 job, making a city that runs 24/7 more convenient. You don’t also have to leave your home for groceries, thanks to FreshDirect. For diapers and other baby supplies, Diaperkind has you covered. If you need food delivered at any time or night, the local diner can take care of it. Now, delivery services specialize in allergy-sensitive and organic baby food.

How to Find Space for a Family in NYC

While many city dwellers head for the ‘burbs when they decide to expand their family, many opt to stay and raise a family in the city. Surrounded by diverse neighbors and cultural advantages, from Broadway to exhibits at the Met to a wealth of ethnic restaurants, it is possible to raise a family in the city; you have to know where to look.

Admittedly, finding enough space for a family in Manhattan is tricky. But you compromise on big backyards for the local parks that dot each neighborhood and give kids the freedom to run—and no mowing the lawn required. As a result, families tend to flock to the city’s Upper East Side, where many public and private schools are.

However, the biggest issue for the average family living in NYC is finding space. To this end, several blogs can provide excellent advice on making the most of an NYC apartment to have plenty of room for parents and kids and all the accouterments.

Family considerations

A larger room can be separated into more using temporary walls. Some companies provide these services, which usually include an eventual removal fee. You may not need a full-out, entirely separated room for some families, just a little definition. You can use screens or bookcases to divide a space in these cases. Bookcases as dividers also provide extra storage space.

Look for furniture pieces that do double duty as storage units.

Some companies design especially with apartment living in mind and make pieces that can be folded or compacted to make more room. Beds, tables, and even dressers can be compacted and may do double duty.

Make room under the bed.

Conventional beds can often be raised enough to place drawers underneath them, while kids’ rooms can use bunk beds and high-rise beds under which you can set the rest of the room’s furnishings, such as a desk and dresser. Look for furniture that is also storage-friendly in the living room, like an ottoman/storage unit or even a coffee table with shelving beneath it.

Even the backs of doors can double as more space.

Hang a shoe rack on the back of the door, but you don’t have to fill it with shoes. Instead, you can stuff everything from stray toys to T-shirts in convenient compartments to keep your small space organized.

Organize everything.

From the kitchen to the bedroom, fill trays and bowls with things you use the most, like keys and jewelry. This way, there will be no stray clutter making the place smaller, and you’ll save time getting ready in the morning with no frantic searching for stuff.

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