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Must-Read New York City Books

Must-Read New York City Books

Must-Read New York City Books

New York is a city like no other. Let it grab hold of you, and it can be difficult ever leaving. For instance, the city boasts a rich literary tradition, with many authors making it the main setting or digging into its colorful history. For those who dream of making it home, these books capture that feeling of what New York City is about.

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger

Salinger’s controversial novel may not say too much about New York, but it’s fun to retrace Holden’s path. To begin with, he starts with an unsuccessful time at a Greenwich Village nightclub. Later on, he stops at Grand Central Station and then goes ice skating at Rockefeller Center. After that, he sees a Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall. Along the way, he thinks a lot about the ducks in the lagoon at Central Park.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote

Capote beautifully captures the glamor of New York through the eyes of Holly Golightly. When she’s not spending her mornings at Tiffany & Co. on Fifth Avenue, she’s socializing with wealthy men who wine and dine her at the city’s most established clubs and restaurants. It’s a fascinating character study and gives a glimpse of the luxurious lifestyle of the Upper East Side.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

For a trip back in time, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a must-read book for those new to the city. This coming-of-age story follows Francie Nolan, a Williamsburg resident, from age 11 until she leaves for college. Through her perspective, we see life in an impoverished first-generation immigrant family as they struggle to make ends meet.

The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert A. Caro

This Pulitzer Prize-winning biography takes us into the life and accomplishments of Robert Moses. Giving us an insight into New York power politics and the stories behind some of its iconic construction projects. It’s a great way to build an appreciation for the beautiful parks Moses created and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.

Here is New York by E.B White

This love letter to the city captures the unique feeling of New York and shows what it means to live there. White begins with the paradox of the noisiness and loneliness of living there. Saying that the city can give “the gift of loneliness and the gift of privacy” once you travel there and experience it with the locals. It’s an excellent introduction for those visiting for the first time.

New York: The Novel by Edward Rutherfurd

Do you like a history lesson sprinkled with fictional accouterments? Rutherfurd’s novel chronicles the city’s 400 years of history and takes you from the arrival of the first European colonists in the 17th century until the book was published in 2009. The city’s colorful history is told through a series of fictional families that embody the qualities of a family living at that time.

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