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I live in a building with a full-time doorman, and admittedly, to some extent, I’m spoiled. Not that I wouldn’t consider living in a non-doorman building if I found a suitable apartment for my lifestyle. When I searched to buy an apartment in Manhattan, I did look at many co-op apartments that lacked a doorman or had a part-time doorman. And I made offers on a few of those co-ops, albeit unsuccessfully. However, the apartment in which I currently live. It was meant to be, and it just happened to come with a 24-hour doorman, a real bonus.
Now that I’ve lived in a full-service building for eight-plus years, I can understand the importance of owning an apartment in a building with a full-time staff. Continue reading to know why you should consider buying an apartment in a doorman building.
Accept UPS and FedEx packages.Accept UPS and FedEx packages.
Imagine having to hike to the UPS or FedEx pick-up facility every time you get a shipment. That would be a drag. You’ll never have to schlep across town with a door attendant to pick up your Amazon order. But instead, your doorman will receive and store your package until you return home, whether that evening or a month later if you’re traveling.
Whether Fresh Direct is in your lobby with a week’s supply of foodstuffs or your friends are over for a cocktail party, your doorman will buzz your apartment to let you know who is on the way up. A great door attendant will announce your visitors. And, of course, if you’re not home, your doorman will safely store your delivery, as I mentioned in the first point.
There’s something to be said for that extra level of security, mainly when you arrive home in the wee hours. Knowing it’s less likely that any seedy character would follow you into your building, let alone up to your apartment, creates a more relaxed and secure environment to live in.
You’ll have a tidier entrance.You’ll have a tidier entrance.
Usually, door attendants clean up the entrance and lobby of your building and the outside. Every apartment building’s public space should be spotless, in my opinion, and you’ll have a great feeling every time you return home to find a fresh-smelling, sparkling clean lobby and sidewalks free of the trash.
Higher resale valueHigher resale value
For the reasons above, selling a doorman building unit will typically warrant a higher asking price than a comparable apartment in a building without staff. A full-time doorman is somewhat of a luxury, and you’ll pay more for it, but you’ll reap the rewards when you sell.
An excellent super takes care of some of the items above, and some New Yorkers swear by their super. You won’t get a live-in super guest and delivery announcements or that additional layer of security that comes with having a doorman.
Remember, monthly maintenance will be more expensive in a doorman building than in a non-doorman building. However, if affordable, the higher costs for a full-time doorman and tipping are well worth it.