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Is My House Haunted? 5 Signs of Paranormal Activity in Your Home

Haunted House

Is My House Haunted? 5 Signs of Paranormal Activity in Your Home - Happy Halloween

Bumps in the night, cold spots in the house, faint voices from empty rooms. Most of us have experienced strange or weird things in our homes at night that couldn’t be explained. While it’s easy to dismiss such things as the result of an overactive imagination caused by a late-night horror flick, there’s also the other possibility that your home has been invaded by a paranormal entity!

Whether you believe in such things or not, there’s no denying that houses can sometimes be spooky places. So, as we approach Halloween, now seems like a good time to know the signs of paranormal activity in your home. We’ve also prepared a handy infographic for those short on time.

Haunted House Infographic

Is My House Haunted? 5 Signs of Paranormal Activity in Your Home – Happy Halloween


1. Unusual Smells

Have you ever noticed a distinct and repugnant smell that seems to appear out of nowhere? If it’s not coming from the back of your fridge, then it could be a sign of something far more nefarious than last year’s Christmas turkey. Strange and terrible stenches often accompany the apparition of a ghost or some other unnatural entity. While bad smells are typically the sign of a nasty, nefarious ghost, some people also report experiencing normal smells such as perfume or tobacco. It’s often believed that these are scents from the former lives of ghostly tenants, such as a grandfather that used to smoke a pipe.

Of course, there are other, less paranormal explanations for unusual smells. For instance, a clogged-up garbage disposal, mold or mildew from a humid room, or a pest infestation. It’s always a good idea to carry out an annual deep clean and inspection of your home for anything that might need to be repaired or rectified.

2. Weird Sounds

People who believe they’ve been visited by an other-worldly entity will often report hearing strange knocks, scratching, or footsteps in the night. This can be pretty alarming when you’re home alone in the middle of the night, especially when such sounds are accompanied by faint ghostly whispering. Some say that these are nasty ghosts trying to get our attention or unharmful spirits stuck in a loop repeating their previous life’s day-to-day activities.

The other explanation is that those weird thumping sounds are the result of your plumbing. This often happens in old homes with radiant heat or loose piping that isn’t secured to the rafters. When a radiator is turned on, the hot water can cause the pipes to slam against the walls and make a thumping sound. Footsteps, scratching, or faint voices can also signal a rodent infestation that needs to be investigated.

3. Strange Feelings

Do you sometimes feel a cold, icy atmosphere around your home that brings on feelings of paranoia or dread? Have you ever witnessed objects rolling off shelves by themselves? You could have a ghost that’s become “attached” to you. Yep, you read that right; some paranormal experts believe that ghosts can become attached to a person rather than a home or object. The only solution might be to call a spiritual healer or medium that can hopefully channel the ghost out of your presence.

A less sinister explanation is that there’s a wind current in your home; check to see if any windows or doors are open. There may also be some drafts in your home from poorly fitted windows that need to be fixed. Objects rolling off shelves or a gentle swaying in your home can also be a signal of serious structural or foundation issues in your home, at which point you should immediately call for a home inspection.

4. Pets Act Paranoid

Is your pet acting strange? For instance, random growling, hissing, or cowering for no apparent reason. They may be sensing the presence of a spirit that is causing them fear and anxiety. Animals have been known to have a sixth sense for detecting the paranormal, often seeing and experiencing things before humans do. This has also been observed right before natural disasters, such as earthquakes or tsunamis; it’s like the animals can feel something bad coming before humans can.

Or, perhaps your pet is just reacting to a sound or smell that you haven’t noticed. Many pets have a much sharper sense than we do and can detect insects, pests, or noises that we can’t hear. Your pet may also have a health problem that’s causing them to feel anxious or lethargic, a sign that it’s time for a trip to the vet.

5. The Match Test

One final proof test of paranormal activity is the so-called match test. If you suspect the presence of a ghost or spirit, light a match or candle. If the flame begins to turn blue, then you could be in the presence of pure evil, at which point you should run before it’s too late!

But don’t panic too soon if you only see the base of the flame turn blue; this is a perfectly normal reaction from the lower half being in a more oxygen-rich area. It’s also the hottest part of the flame, about 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Final Thoughts

Haunted homes and the paranormal have always stirred our imaginations. There’s something fascinating about the unexplained. Some people choose to stay clear of buying homes that may have ghostly tenants, while others are drawn to such spaces.

If you’re in the latter group, check the listing descriptions of the homes you’re interested in; some of them may have a spooky story to tell. You can also inform your buyer’s agent that you’re looking to buy something spooky; they may just know the perfect home that’s been waiting for the right (living) owner.

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