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Helping Make New York City a Better Place to Live

Helping Make New York City a Better Place to Live

Helping Make New York City a Better Place to Live

New Yorkers love to brag about their city, and it’s easy to see why but pride aside, there’s little denying that it could be friendlier, cleaner, and more accessible to everyone. With over 8.4 million people calling this city home, it’s easy to get caught up in your own life and forget that all significant changes start with small local ones.

Starting small is the best way, and if we all do our part, we can make a difference. Here are 15 small but substantial ways you can help make New York a better place.

In Your Neighborhood

Pick up a piece of trash.

Not littering is obvious, but take it a step further and pick up a piece of litter while on your daily commute. If you want to make a difference, volunteer with organizations like Love Your Block and NYC Parks to do your bit in keeping the city beautiful.

Get to know your neighbors.

Building a stronger sense of community doesn’t have to be a significant effort. It can start by greeting your fellow tenants or even organizing community events.

Shop local

Yes, it may be more convenient to use the larger supermarkets, but there are plenty of benefits to shopping local. Many of the cities’ small businesses have been forced to close by tougher competition, rising rent, and a dwindling client base. By shopping local, you support local family businesses and help the community to flourish. Diversity is what we love about our city, so let’s help to keep it that way.

Join your local community board

One of the most direct ways to help change your neighborhood is by joining the local community board. Board members usually serve for 1-2 years and typically reside in or have a business in the neighborhood. Just reach out to your City Councilor Borough President.

Request a tree for your block

An abundance of green space in a city positively impacts happiness and stress reduction. So why not request a tree for your block? You can do so through NYC Parks. Get the rest of the neighborhood involved, and it could make a difference.

In Your Community

Get involved with volunteering.

NYC Service is a great place to start finding something that appeals to you. Suppose you’ve got some time to spare to volunteer at an organization that always needs ongoing help. Contribute a few hours each weekend at the nearest Salvation Army, animal shelter, or disability center.

Mentor a young New Yorker

Do you know someone who’s new to the city or who’s always lived here but is in need of some guidance? You can help make a difference in a young person’s life by taking them into your confidence and encouraging them. Thus, preparing the next generation and empowering the community as a whole.

Be a poll worker on election day.

If you want to get more involved in the political process, consider volunteering at the local polls. Applying takes a few minutes, and the requirements are minimal.

Create community murals and make preserving them a priority

Public art helps to define a community and set it apart. If you know anyone with creative skills in your community, organize a meeting to plan new murals or preserve those already there.

Screen an outdoor movie

Organizing an outdoor screening isn’t tricky, and if it’s successful, it may even become a regular thing. This article can show you how to do it.

On Your Commute

Smile at people

New Yorkers have a bad (and undeserved) reputation for being friendly. Help to change that stereotype and smile at people. You don’t need to grin at everyone that passes you, but just a warm hello and smile at the cashier or person behind you in line can help brighten their day and yours.

Be kind to homeless

People become homeless for many reasons, so try to leave any stereotypes or judgments at the door when you walk out. Instead, help out in small ways by donating to local organizations or volunteering your time at a shelter.

Give someone directions

Help change the stereotype of the rude New Yorker who’s always in a rush. Instead, help out a tourist, and make them feel welcome. Start with those you see reading a map on a side corner.

Give up your seat on the subway.

Rush hour on the NYC subway is rarely a pleasant affair, but that frustration is magnified for those with mobility issues, like elderly or pregnant women. So do the right thing and give up your seat to someone more in need.

Watch out for your fellow New Yorkers on the street

Keep your fellow citizens in mind when you’re out on the city streets. It means not being a hassle by not watching where you’re going or helping someone in need.

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