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Storage Solutions for Apartments in NYC

Storage Solutions for New York City Apartments

Storage Solutions for New York City Apartments

If you’re a fashionista (or fashionista) who lacks closet space in your New York apartment, not to worry; with a bit of creative thinking, you can find a home for every last item of your ever-growing wardrobe and keep your city pad uncluttered. Here are six ways to eek storage out of even a closet-less apartment.

I like my money right where I can see it…hanging in my closet”. –Carrie Bradshaw

Stand-alone furniture

Furniture is a fantastic way to create portable storage. Not only can you move the pieces around in your space as needed, but you can take them with you when you can finally afford that sprawling two-bedroom. Think storage ottoman (the top can be removed), nightstands with drawers, dressers, armoires, and a bathroom vanity rather than a pedestal sink. At least half of your furnishings should offer storage.

Install Shelves

Shelves are a must for books and an excellent spot for accessories and liquor, dishware, and glassware. Install shelves in your bathroom and use them for toiletries; install olive oil, dried herbs, and spices in your kitchen. Hang above a sofa and arrange your favorite hardbacks with artwork and a few accessories.

Under the bed

This option may date back to caveman times, but it’s practical and inexpensive. Purchase long, flat storage containers and keep seasonal clothing and holiday decorations out of sight. If you have a queen-size bed, you should be able to fit at least three, if not four, containers under it. Your single closet will feel roomy in a New York minute, making space for your new threads.


Boxes may be small, but they are great for tchotchkes such as jewelry, sunglasses, keys, bills and other paperwork, remote controls, etc. I believe in decorative boxes, and almost every surface in my apartment has one or several. Choose boxes that coordinate with your color scheme. Decorate and organize at the same time.

Kitchen cabinets to the ceiling

The higher your cabinets go, the more you can store them. Upper cabinets are ideal for keeping items you use a few times per year or other belongings as long as you don’t mind an occasional climb. For access, purchase a small folding stepladder that you can easily hide behind a piece of furniture.


Although this is the most expensive option, create custom storage with built-in units for those with zero closet space. Use a dead corner or an entire wall if you can afford the space. I recommend a combination of shelves and hanging above, with drawers below. Come up with a solid plan and request bids from several carpenters. Your Manolos will have a special home next to your Louboutins in no time, and your Celine Bag and Chanel suit will be nearby.

Note: I might mention that it’s not a bad idea to purge your belongings before adding storage. Before purchasing or installing anything, rid yourself of the items you don’t need or haven’t worn in two years or longer.

Additional Ideas for Maximizing Storage

Over-the-Door Organizers: Hang over-the-door organizers to utilize the space behind doors for additional storage. These organizers are perfect for shoes, accessories, cleaning supplies, or toiletries.

Vertical Hanging Storage: Install hanging organizers or racks on walls to store items such as hats, scarves, handbags, or belts. This vertical storage solution helps free up closet space and keeps accessories easily accessible.

Furniture with Hidden Storage: Look for furniture with built-in storage compartments, such as coffee tables with lift-up tops or benches with storage underneath. These pieces serve dual purposes: seating and hidden storage for blankets, games, or media.

Modular Storage Systems: Consider investing in modular storage systems that can be customized to fit your space. These systems typically consist of stackable cubes or shelves that can be arranged and rearranged to suit your storage needs.

Final Thoughts

Maximizing storage in a closet-less apartment requires a combination of creativity, organization, and strategic planning. You can create a clutter-free and organized living environment by incorporating multi-functional furniture, utilizing vertical space with shelves and organizers, and investing in built-in storage solutions. Remember to regularly declutter and purge items you no longer need to ensure that your storage solutions remain efficient and effective over time. With these practical tips and innovative ideas, you can transform your small space into a stylish and functional oasis in the city’s heart.

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