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Installing a Washer/Dryer in Your NYC Apartment

Installing a Washer/Dryer in Your NYC Apartment

Installing a Washer/Dryer in Your NYC Apartment

Buying a washer and dryer is a seemingly simple task. However, it is a complicated endeavor for New York City’s apartment dwellers. Whether you are a renter, co-op shareholder, or condo owner, it impacts everyone in an apartment. Now, let us discuss if you can install a Washer/Dryer in your apartment.

We provide a roadmap for you to prepare yourself better.

Am I Allowed to Install a Washer/Dryer?

The first question is whether you can have a washer and dryer. It seems illogical, but many New York City buildings do not allow a washer/dryer in any of their apartments. There are solid reasons for this, however. Individual buildings may not have adequate plumbing or other conditions that allow the appliances to function correctly. Management may fear leaks and fires, even if the proper infrastructure is in place. This situation affects not only you but other apartments as well.

In some cases, your co-op or condo board, or landlord, may permit some units to have a washer and dryer while disallowing it in others. While this seems unfair, the building board or landlord may have solid practical reasons for better drainage in individual apartments.

Therefore, if you are interested in buying these appliances, determine if the building permits them and whether you can put them in your unit.

Consider your options if the board/landlord disallows the appliances. Perhaps your building has machines, and you find this an acceptable alternative. If not, learn where the nearest laundromat is and whether this works for you. Otherwise, you can use services, but this could get pricey.

Buying a Washer/Dryer

If you have received the board’s blessing, you cannot purchase any machine, particularly dryers. You likely need to buy an electric dryer since gas ones require access to an outside vent.

Installing the Machines

Generally, it would help if the machines were installed either in your bathroom or kitchen or close by. Space is a premium in New York City, so you may wish to consider stackable units or a washer/dryer combination.

You will need a New York City Department of Buildings to permit a new washer or dryer. A licensed plumber has to do the work.

However, while it is an additional expense, there are ways to make the washer and dryer look good while also serving a practical function. You can build a unique cabinet for the unit in your kitchen, particularly for a combination washer/dryer.

An excellent option if your square footage is constrained. Another option is to repurpose space for the units, although this works best if you are not concerned about using the square footage. One suggestion is to use extra closet space.

The Cost

The machines’ prices vary, depending on the model and which features you desire. Buying a washer and dryer does not come cheap, however. The cost of new plumbing and electrical can cost several thousand dollars.

However, if you own the unit, this likely adds value. One expert estimates a 5% boost to your resale value. Additionally, you have a different selling point. Of course, you also benefit from the convenience of having your washer and dryer.

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